Happy Birthday Jacko!

Help us raise $3,000 for Jacko's 30th Birthday 💙

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raised towards $3,000 goal


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Help us raise $3,000 for Jacko's 30th Birthday 💙

Will you help Jacko 🫶

Help us raise $3,000 for Jacko's 30th birthday! Can you help?

Our beloved resident donkey, Jacko, has recently tested positive for both Cushings' Disease and EPM, two conditions that require frequent vet visits and medication to manage. At 30 years old, Jacko has been a part of the Rescue Ranch family for many years, and we are dedicated to providing him with the care and support he needs. But, as a non-profit organization, we need your help. We are currently raising funds to cover Jacko's medical expenses, and any amount you can give would be greatly appreciated. Your donation will help us continue to provide the best possible care for Jacko and all of our animal ambassadors.

Thank you for your support!

#HelpJackoHeal #RescueRanch #AnimalWelfare #DonateNow